Web Info and IT Lessons Blog...

Monday 5 May 2014

Simple Techniques to Keep your Passwords in Encrypted Form


Do you have a lot of accounts on web? Do you keep all of your accounts data in mind to avoid risking your accounts information? I gotta admit that's a pretty difficult task and what if you mix up or forget a few characters, you may get into troble that way especially if you loose you email account. To make your life easier you can save all your account details in a text file, yes there is a risk of getting your account details compromised this way but what if we use some sort of encryption technique to keep all our data in encrypted form??? Hmmm, that will provide us some level of security. You can use your own algorithms to encrypt your data but the simplest would be to replace a character with another character according to a rule defined in your mind. Forexample:

You can replace each alpabet with another alphabet according to the offset defined in your mind i.e If the original alphabet was A and the offset defined in your mind is 2 then A will be replaced with C. Similarly B will be replaced with D and at the end X will be replaced with Z , Y with A and Z with B. This way you can encrypt all the characters to convert all your data to encrypted form.

Similary we can encrypt data by replacing each alphabet with a digit i.e A will be replaced with 1, B with 2, C with 3 till Z which will be replaced with 26. And vice versa for digits if you want to convert them to alphabets. You can use either of these above mentioned techniques separately or a combination of both to achieve encryption.

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