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Thursday 22 May 2014

Why avoid Mochahost


If you have a website and you are looking for a hosting service to host your website for you, there is this one host i have tried personally that you should avoid completely. The name of the host is "Mochahost". I used their services for a few months but they have left me very unsatisfied. I chose their business plan from the get go and when i uploaded my website to their servers it loaded like shit. Hell, it was so slow that i had to contact them and discuss the issue. After a couple of hours i recieved an email from them saying that the issue has been fixed. When i loaded my website again it was still that slow. So i decided to look for myself where the issue was and after doing a few experiments i came to know that their database is very slow. My database connections were taking a lot of time, so i tried to use file handling for the purpose as the data i was dealing with could be handled through file handling. After changing my files when i checked my website again it loaded much faster, so i decided to keep it this way. It worked fine for a month but one fine day it stopped working all by itself because some how the file handling support on their server was disabled atleast for my website. It made my website look like crap for quite some time and that was when i decided not to use their services any more.

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