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Sunday 26 July 2015

SEO Tips For NewBie Bloggers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key factor for successful blogging. If you are starting blogging as a newbie, here are a few seo tips for you to follow in your blogging journey:

1. Content is the king:

This is the first seo advice of every professional blogger to a newbie for successful blogging. You might have heard it from someone before as I have heard it more than a hundred times from many pro-bloggers but still it cannot be ignored. Having an excellent content on your blog is very important for you to establish your brand. Take your time creating an excellent blogpost rather than bombarding your blog with low quality blogposts that won't help you in anyway. You will never hit the first page of google search results for a low quality content.  

2. Learn from more seasoned bloggers:

SEO is an ever changing process. Google is constantly changing it's algorithms for ranking websites and so are the seo strategies. It's a never ending process. You should keep yourself updated about the changing dynamics of seo industry by following more seasoned bloggers. Read seo blogposts of professional bloggers, try to reach out to them and ask their opinions and advices. Try to be in contact with pro-bloggers, it will help you a lot and you will learn fast and easy.

3. Do not fall for cheap backlinks:

Backlinking is still as important for your website as it was before but that does not mean you should start posting your website link every where on web. Try to get only quality links for your blog. Cheap links can hurt your blog/website ranking instead of helping it.

4. Do not use the outdated strategies:

Keep yourself updated about the new seo strategies to get better results instead of using the outdated strategies. It can be achieved by reading seo blogposts, books and forums. 

5. Avoid spamming the web:

Do not share spammy content on web because google hates spammy content. Only share original and useful content on your blog otherwise you will be penalized by google. Spammy content will never win you a single subscriber. Spamming is like cheating and cheaters can not go a long way without being caught.

6. Avoid keyword stuffing:

Choosing keywords for your content is a good practice. Use the keywords in your blogpost but avoid overusing it. Excess of everything is dangerous. Keep the keyword percentage up to 4-5 percent of the original article content.

7. Relevant backlinks see better results:

Try to win backlinks from blogs and websites that are relevant to your blog or website. Relevant backlinks have a huge impact on the ranking of a blog or a website. 

8. Establish your brand:

Your primary focus should be to make google start treating as a brand because google loves brands. Once you have became a brand in the eyes of google, you will see some very good search results.

9. Post frequently:

Post regularly to keep your blog fresh and let the search engines know that your blog is updated frequently. Posting frequently also counts to some extent in the seo of your blog. Apart from that it makes your subscribers visit your blog frequently and it keeps trending on the web.

10. Make your presence felt on the internet:

Once you have joined the blogging community do not sit silently, brag about yourself everywhere you can. Let people know you are there. Do not rely on your content to go viral, go viral yourself.

Stay tuned for more lessons...

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