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Tuesday 19 January 2016

How to earn passive income online?

Making money is all about making sales, everyone is selling something. Some people sell their services, some sell products, some sell softwares, some sell their market shares but eventually everyone is selling something to make profits. Web is no different, to make money online you have to sell something. You can sell your services if you are a technical person or a marketer or you know something that people need assistance about online. There are a lot of ways people are making money online, some are very common which a lot of people already know about and some are a little less common.

1. Freelancing:

Millions of people around the world are freelancing to earn some extra cash. A lot of people do not even take another job, they work as full time freelancers because they earn very reasonable income freelancing. If you are a programmer, a writer, a designer, an engineer, a marketer, an administrator, an accountant, a data entry operator, an seo specialist, a networking specialist, an analyst, a translator, a legal consultant , a customer support agent or a technical support agent, you can try freelancing to earn some extra money. Join a freelancing website, create an amazing work profile and start bidding on projects related to your skills. Do not bid on projects you don't feel sure about delivering successfully because it will hurt your job success rate. Initially you may not get any projects because of no past work on the freelancing website but do not lose hope and bid on the projects you feel most confident about. Write a good proposal to the client, convince him that you the perfect match for the job and hopefully you will get the job. If not try again with more authority and confidence until you get it.

2. Blogging:

Blogging can be very profitable if you have the mind for it and you can write about things that people are looking for on web. There is a rule in blogging, money comes second in blogging, helping people and the passion to write some thing useful comes first. If making money is your first priority then try some thing else because blogging is a slow process and it will take some time and patience to make some actual money from it. When you have your user's attention and you have a good user base then you can start earning from your blog by showing ads and affiliate links.

3. Affiliate Marketing:

If you are a good seller and you can convince people to buy things then you should definitely try affiliate marketing. Search for good softwares, services, programs and products on web and join their affiliate programs. Get your affiliate links and tell people about them by writing reviews and include your affiliate links in the review, if someone finds the information useful and buys something through your affiliate link then you get commission for making a sale. Try to write honest reviews, do not sound like desperately trying to make a sale. Writing genuine reviews help more than all positve reviews.

4. Selling Websites:

Making websites and selling them on Flippa can be profitable. Make a potential business website, a website that requires a little work to become a business and then place it in auction at Flippa for sale. Write a good description about it and how it can prove useful for the buyer. If your concept interests buyers, it may sell for a very good price.

5. Selling Domains:

If you have a very good domain registered to your name and you want to sell it for profit, you can do it by selling it on Sedo auctions, Flippa or Godaddy auctions. A lot of people are making money by buying and selling domains. If you want to try it be sure the domain names you purchase are good or else there is no good in purchasing bad domain names that no one cares about.

6. Selling your services:

You can sell your services on fiverr by creating a gig about it. Every thing sells on fiverr for $5. If you can make a presentation, or a sketch, or a fix a piece of code, or make a logo or any thing else, you can create a gig about it and start selling. Creating a gig is very easy, you just have to explain the services you will provide for $5.

7. Paid to click:

Paid to click (ptc) is another way to make money from web. Joining websites that pay you to click and view advertisements is another way people use to make money online. Although the money people make using this method is usually a very little amount but still it is the easiest way to make money online. It is very unlikely to make good money from ptc and i strongly recommend not to use this technique. Do some thing useful and creative and in the end it will pay off better.

8. Youtube:

If the videos you share on youtube receive good views, you can monetize your youtube channel by integrating google adsense program with your youtube channel. Google ads will show on the videos you share and you will earn money for the clicks and impressions on your ads.

9. Envato Market Places:

Envato is a market place for selling your items. Envato market has websites like themeforest, codecanyon, videohive, audiojungle, graphicriver, photodune, 3docean and activeden. You can sell your themes, games, pictures, videos, audios, graphics, code snippets, illustrations and much more in the envato marketplace. Just sign up for an account, upload your item, wait for the review process to complete and if it is accepted, your item will be up for sale at the marketplace.

Read about the wordpress theme that made millions at themeforest.

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