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Friday 22 August 2014

How to unhide files and folders hidden by virus?

A few days ago my system was hit by a virus and a lot of my files and folders were hidden like this.

hidden folder

I tried to unhide a folder manually by opening the properties of the folder but the hidden attribute of the folder was pre-checked and was not uncheckable. I needed to recover my folders very bad so i googled the problem and found the solution to unhide the folders through command prompt. This command can be used to recover the hidden testfolder.

C:\>attrib -s -h -a /s /d C:\Users\mega.pk\Desktop\testfolder

To unhide the testfolder first create a folder, name it testfolder and hide it by checking the hidden attribute in the properties. Now open command prompt

command prompt

and type the above mentioned command and press enter

unhide command

After pressing the enter button the command will execute and unhide the hidden folder.

unhidden folder

This command can also be used to unhide all files and folders hidden by a virus in a drive. Like if you want to unhide all the hidden files in drive D: you will need to run this command:

D:\>attrib -s -h -a /s /d D:\*.*

This will unhide all the hidden files in drive D.

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