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Thursday 21 August 2014

Should you make money with squidoo?

What is Squidoo?
Squidoo is a platform for internet users to create single webpages which as of 15 August, 2014 is acquired by HubPages. A page created on squidoo is called a lens. To make money with squidoo you can choose a topic and create a lens about it. Squidoo will put ads on your lens and share the revenue from ads with you. You can also sell amazon and ebay products on your lens and get paid by squidoo for each sale. Squidoo has built-in modules to include amazon and ebay products in your lens easily. You just have to select the product you want to promote and it will start showing in your lens.


Is it it worth working for squidoo?
The ebay and amazon products you are selling on squidoo are the sales you make for squidoo and it will help their account with amazon and ebay grow. If you have your own account on amazon then the sales you make on amazon with squidoo won't appear under your personal account so your profile with them remains where it was before. Besides squidoo has locked and unpublished a lot of lenses in the past for low quality content, spam content and some other sorts of violations when they were upgrading their system. It hurts so much when your lens has just started making sales and it gets locked or unpublished. Another big setback is that squidoo pays you 2 months after the date of sale which means that if you made a sale in January it will start showing in your account in the month of March. So a better option would be to start your own website or blog and play by your own rules.

How to recieve money from squidoo?
You can get your money from squidoo by cashing out through paypal. If you donot have paypal account or it is not avaiable in your country then you can make donations either to squidoo or to some other organization.

Squidoo Cashout?

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