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Monday 25 August 2014

What are outsourcing and crowdsourcing?

Outsourcing means hiring an individual or a team of professionals to complete a task. For example What will you do if you want to start a brand new website? You will go to freelancer.com or any other freelancing website and negotiate with a team that you think is capable of doing the job. If you come to terms with the team your website will be delivered to you within the time frame assigned to the project in the contract. This is outsourcing in which you know who are working on your project, how are they working and when will it be delivered. Generally projects having higher scope are outsourced.


In crowdsourcing a single big task is split into multiple minitasks that are similar in nature. In crowdsourcing the crowdsourcers cannot choose the team who works for them. Everyone can participate and do his part in crowdsourcing but in order for a minijob to be accepted as successfully completed the minimum criteria specified in the task should be fulfilled otherwise no reward is offered for it. Crowdsourcing greatly reduces the time required to complete a bigger task as a lot of people from all over the world simultaneously work on the minijobs. Crowd flower, wikipedia and amazon mechanical turk are a few of crowdsourcing platforms to name. A crowdsourcer posts a minijob on these platforms and specifies the reward and completion criteria for the job and the people interested in making some extra cash works on the minijobs.


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