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Monday 17 March 2014

Cashout criteria, fee and payment methods of ptc sites


All ptc sites have different cashout criteria and fee, but the payment methods generally remains the same for most of the sites. Nearly all ptc sites use paypal and payza to carry out cashouts including the 2 biggies neobux and probux. Clixsense was also using paypal and payza but since payza became unavailable in usa clixsense replaced payza with paytoo. Now the minimum amount to cashout also varies alot, neobux will allow you to cashout a minimum amount of 2$ when you are cashingout for the first time and eachtime the minimum cashout amount increases by 1$ till it reaches a fixed amount of 10$. Probux allows first cashout of minimum 5$ and on each cashout it increases by 1$ till it reaches 10$. Clixsense allows minimum cashout of 6$ for premium memebers and 8$ for standard members. Neobux has no cashout charges and pays instantly the whole amount, probux has 2% cashout charges but the payments are instant, clixsense charges 2% when using paypal as cashout method and nothing when cashingout to paytoo. Clixsense payments are carried out Mondays and Fridays and not instantly. These were 3 biggies in the ptc business actually paying their members, there are other sites with different strategies. Some of the new ptc sites have set their minimum cashouts very high to avoid early payments and some of them donot intend to pay at all by setting high cashouts and low commission. Fresh ptc sites join the ptc race every now and then and dissappears without a trace so choose very carefully when doing business with them.

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