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Monday 24 March 2014

There is something fishy about market js

Market Js

First of all if you donot know about market js, it is a platform where companies and individuals can buy and sell Html 5 games. Only by visiting their landing page you will notice that their website design is pretty low quality for a company claiming to have a 100 years vision and multi-billion dollars corporations clients. Apparantly they are claiming that there is a major change going around and everything will be fixed soon. Everyone is confused about this site, developers who submitted their games for approval are waiting for the results but ain't getting any and everyone is asking if there is anybody who has actually sold a game there. They claim to have over 1000 premium Html 5 games but all you can see is 9 games and can't find anymore. Even if you register and login you won't be able to see the games you submitted, the payment methods, your earnings , your portfolio and more games from other people. It is just the same as you were logged out. It is so difficult to navigate the site and if you ask a question on a forum the ceo himself is going to reply, now that's weird. Nobody knows exactly what they are upto but they surely donot look like a genuine platform to sell your games at the time, maybe in the future they improve the quality of their website and the way they do things.

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