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Sunday 12 October 2014

How to make $1,000 with Amazon

Making money with Amazon is no mystery, people are making a lot of money by selling Amazon products. All you have to do is to sign up for Amazon affiliate account and promote their products by sharing on social media sites, writing reviews of Amazon products, posting on forums or have a website of your own displaying Amazon products.

Make Money with Amazon

Now the main thing is making a sale, if your are good at writing reviews and convincing people to buy products then sky is the limit for you but if think you cannot do much posting, sharing and writing reviews then the second option for you is to have a website of your own and show Amazon products on your website. Again the key here is to have good quality traffic on your website to have a good chance of making sales.

So how difficult exactly it is to make $1,000 from your website if you have good traffic, let us do some calculations and look at the statistics.

If you have a referral rate of 10% from Amazon which means you get 10% commission on each sale you make on Amazon then to make $1,000 you have to make sale of $10,000.

So one thing is clear now you have to make a sale of $10,000 to make $1,000 from Amazon. Now the question is how much traffic do you need to do that? If the conversion rate of your traffic is 10% which means that every one out of ten users of your website buys something from Amazon and your average sale per product is $10 then it means that every one out of ten users make a sale of $10 for you. So the traffic you will need to make $1,000 from Amazon is 10,000 users per month. You will need approximately 333 users a day and you will need to make 33 sales of $10 each to make a $1,000 per month from your website.

See these are not very unrealistic numbers and can be achieved easily if you put a little effort in it.

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