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Monday 13 October 2014

Firedrive mystery continues

First of all if you do not know about firedrive.com, it is a cloud storage platform where users can store and share their files, pictures, documents and videos. Since 30, September 2014 the main page of the website is unresponsive and is redirected to the same page wherever you click on the page and whatever you do.


Firedrive mystery continues as tens of thousands of users lost access to their accounts at firedrive.com. Earlier this year firedrive left every one in shock when they changed their name from putlocker to firedrive. After re branding to firedrive they were initially offering 50GB free storage space to the users but then later they reduced the storage space to 20GB for free users. Now if you visit the landing page of firedrive.com it's completely dead. No one can sign up for a free account or log into an existing account anymore. Thousands of free and premium users have lost access to their files stored at firedrive. No body has heard from the firedrive team regarding the termination of service and they are not answering any emails to clarify the issue. Another mysterious fact is that the files already stored on the cloud storage site are accessible through their respective urls but the users who uploaded those files do not own them anymore because the files cannot be accessed through the user account. The recovery of user accounts are becoming more and more unlikely with each passing day as the mystery surrounding firedrive.com deepens.

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