Web Info and IT Lessons Blog...

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Improve your typing skill in a fun way

Who would refuse if skills came in a fun way. Recently I came across this awesome website Typeracer.com which is an excellent platform to improve your typing skills.


Typeracer is a web based gaming website which provides you with a random text that you have to type correctly to move your car in forward direction. Once you have successfully written the text your car reaches the finishing line and your typing speed, accuracy and position in the race are calculated. There are 3 modes of the game:

1. Practice mode: In this mode you can practice your typing skills all by yourself without having to race anyone.
2. Racing mode: In this mode you can enter into a race with random players from all over the world.
3. Race a friend mode: In this mode you can race your friends by generating a link after you click on Race your friends and sending the link to all your friends you want to race with. Anyone who joins the race through your link will join the competition with you.

You can play the game either as a guest user or you can sign up for an account at typeracer. Once you have signed up you won't appear as a guest in the race any more but everyone will see your name and your race records will be saved against your name. You will be able to see your performance in the previous races and how you performed on a particular text before in comparison to your current performance on the same text. You will also be able to see your performance graph.

If you are racing your friends then there is also chat facility available to share your opinions and congratulate each other on your achievements.

Typeracer Chat

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